Saturday, December 6, 2008

December 6th Topic - Parents

How do you strive to be similar to or different from your parents?

I recently told one of my friends that I have this inner compulsion to help homeless people and homeless/lost animals. I attribute that compulsion to both of my parents. My mom always searches for dollars in her wallet whenever she sees a homeless person. Much of my childhood was spent playing with stray animals that my dad would bring home because he didn't want them to sleep out in the cold. I'm glad to have inherited this characteristic from them.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

November 22nd Topic - Growing Older

Write a response to the phrase "growing older."

Growing older makes me nervous. Watching my parents grow older, reminds me that some day they won't be here with me. I also look forward to growing older and the prospects of having children of my own. Someday, my home will be the home that everyone flocks to for Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

November 20th Topic - First Day

Describe a "first day" in your life.

Our first day of being married was wonderfully ordinary. I consider the first day of marriage the first day after the wedding. We woke up and got to officially call each other husband and wife. Then, we spent time with some friends at our favorite sandwich shop just enjoying the sunshine, good food, and good company.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

November 12th - Writer

If you had the opportunity to write as a career, what would you write?

This question is just too easy! I would definitely write children's books, possibly about cats. My two kitties would serve as my inspiration. I was just telling my friend the other day that after I get my credential my next goal is to write a children's book. She responded so wonderfully and said, "Of course, you will." I sure hope so.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

November 11th Topic - Veteran

Write about a war veteran you have known of, or known personally.

At first, I had to think if I even knew a war veteran. Then, I remembered my grandpa was a veteran. He didn't talk much about the time that he served. I only knew that he served from the Navy picture that my grandma kept in her room and his tattoos. By the time I was little, his skin was like worn leather and he had to stretch it out so I could see them better. The only one I remember is the scorpion. I wish I knew where the handsome picture of my grandpa in his navy hat was.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

November 8th Topic - First Pet

Describe the first pet you remember having. (If you haven't had a pet would you like one? What kind?)

My dad would always bring home stray animals, especially dogs. I had many dogs floating in and out of my childhood, but my first official dog was Duke. He was a handsome Siberian Husky who loved to play basketball and listen to me read. We had to give him away when we moved into an apartment. I cried more tears than I thought were in me.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

November 6th Topic - Jeopardy

Q: If you were on the game show Jeopardy, what interesting story would you tell to introduce yourself?

Hmm...I don't know what my interesting Jeopardy story would be. I guess it would be that I met the love of my life when I was 14. We're going to celebrate our 10 year anniversary this upcoming year. I still get happy excited butterflies when I see him.